“Taste the Speed” Series

“We’re an endangered species, you and I. We devotees of power, speed, and noise. Go away, we are told, and take your carbon fibre spitting V12s with you. There’s hardly a place for us anymore, not with all the commuters and congestion.

Not in this growing age of safety and restraint, where practicality trumps adrenaline. Where the ratio of miles per gallon is championed over by horsepower and weight. The evidence is everywhere, you and I are being squeezed out, pushed aside and hunted down at every turn.

And yet there is hope. There is a safe haven, a place where we are free to challenge conventions, push the laws of physics and drive our powerful, beautiful machines hard. It’s not a race track in Germany, or a highway in Montana. It not even a real place, actually. It’s more than that. It’s a communal celebration of horsepower, torque, grip, leather, technology, beauty. It’s the last bastion of automotive lust, and it’s right there in your living room” - Jeremy Clarkson


Not to worry as more cars are coming, but tell us which one you did not get in time so we can see to make one specifically for you :)